Product information
The following presentations are online videos which will open in a new window.
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Advanced Features – Using translations
A scenario demonstrating how you could harness AutoDoc HSE to value add to its workhorse delivery features. This example leverages some advanced techniques to seamlessly deliver a context-sensitive, personalised employee induction pack, just by printing a template welcome letter from Microsoft Word. The scenario uses features such as global variables, trimming variables, translations and translation wildcards, and HTML emails. How these features actually work is explained in the “Using translations” guidance presentation.
AutoDoc HSE Product Introduction
An overview of what AutoDoc HSE does, and how it can assist you.
AutoDoc HSE – How does it work?
An explanation of how the system achieves context sensitive, automated delivery. This presentation refers to the “Corporate Bloom” presentation.
Example usage – “Corporate Bloom”
A scenario demonstrating how AutoDoc HSE adds value to your existing setup, just by being “dropped in” with minimal implementation.
Example usage – Mailback printer
A demonstration of how AutoDoc HSE can be configured to provide a PDF converter: any user prints a document to the AutoDoc HSE mailback printer, and email that user a PDF copy of the document.
Online Presentations
Please note that the instruction provided in these presentations is guidance only, and may not provide the most satisfactory outcome in your particular environment. While we endeavour to provide you with high quality, in-depth information, because of the wide variety of configurations supported by AutoDoc HSE, we recommend that (as with any new addition to an IT infrastructure) you test your setup with the product before using in a production environment.
Quick Start Guide
A step-by-step video of the process in the Quick Start Guide. Printing, emailing, faxing, archiving delivery methods, basic config, and key features all explained.
Client Viewer – PDF Scanner
A detailed look at the scanner function (you may like to familiarise yourself with translations before tackling the latter part of this presentation – see the reference manual or the presentation on using translations below).